Education Membership Terms & Conditions

1. Program Description

Under the terms of this Membership, HEIR Education agrees to provide an Education Membership of hair styling techniques through the Membership site in the form of pre recorded videos plus access to a private Facebook group community in order to share experiences and gain feedback. The Membership includes access to the Education Membership training materials in the members’ website or otherwise provided to Client throughout the membership. Client’s access to the Education Membership is made conditional on payment of the initial Program Fee and begins on the first date Client is provided with access to review or participate in the Program (“Program Start Date”) and will only end if the monthly payments stop. 

The content  must not be downloaded, reproduced, filmed or broadcast in any way without express permission of the HEIR Education.

Membership fees for the Education Membership are debited monthly from the Client via a Stripe recurring payment set up by the Client during the registration process until cancelled by the Client or revoked by HEIR Education. The Client’s billing cycle starts on the day of the month the initial payment was made.

HEIR Education reserves the right to cancel a Client’s access to the Membership and Private Facebook Group but will only do so on reasonable grounds and having firstly informed the Client. Refunds are not available should this happen part-way through a monthly billing cycle.

HEIR Education is not responsible if the Client’s internet connection or IT equipment is not of a standard which would enable them to view the online content satisfactorily. This would not be grounds for a refund.

2. No Refunds

Because considerable time and effort has gone into creating all aspects of the Education Membership package, if Client decides to withdraw from the Education Membership, no refunds, in full or in part, will be provided. Client fully agrees and understands that Client is responsible for monthly payments and can cancel the Education Membership at any time.

3. Failed Payments

In the event the Client fails to make a monthly payment, MemberSpace will contact you to retrieve the payment and encourage the client to update payment details. Client will get three emails to make payment before the Education Membership is suspended until the payment details are updated.

4. Case Studies and Testimonials

HEIR Education has the right to use case studies of Client’s situations and results or Client testimonials in future work but without making reference to Client’s full identity. Client will always be contacted by HEIR Education for approval prior to any case study or testimonial being published in which Client will be identified by full name or identity. By accepting these terms and conditions and affirmatively seeking the benefits of membership, Client affirmatively agrees and acknowledges that Coach may at any time reproduce and/or disseminate any testimonial describing or otherwise referencing, either directly or indirectly, Client’s experience with the Education Membership, including any specific results experienced by You during the Education Membership and no compensation will be provided to You. Client agrees and acknowledges that this includes any written statements You may publish to social media accounts and online forums as well as any statements and/or images captured or otherwise recorded at any live, video, audio, or recorded event(s) in which You participate even if You aren’t intending to make such submission as a testimonial. Client further represents that any such statements or testimonials that You make during the Program shall be correct, accurate, and truthful. 

5. Intellectual Property Rights

HEIR Education retains all ownership and intellectual property rights to the Education Membership and Membership materials provided to Client through the Education Membership, including all copyrights and any trademarks belonging to HEIR Education and/or HEIR Education Team. The Membership and Education Membership materials are being provided to Client for Your individual use only and with a single-user license for educational and informational purposes which means that You are not allowed or authorised to share, copy, sell, post, distribute, reproduce, duplicate, trade, resell, exploit, or otherwise disseminate any portion of the Program or Program materials, electronically or otherwise, for business or commercial use, or in any other way that earns You money to any other person or entity, without HEIR Education prior written permission. No other license is being granted or implied to You. 

The purpose of the Education Membership is to train and educate Client to improve hair styling techniques to assist Client in Your own practice and not for Client to learn and use this information to compete with HEIR Education business or the membership, directly or indirectly, in any way. With that understanding, Client fully agrees that Client shall not use any of HEIR Education or HEIR Education Team’s intellectual property learned through the Program, in part or in full, for Client’s business in a way that competes, directly or indirectly with HEIR Education business and such use shall be considered improper and unauthorised use of the Membership and/or Education Membership materials. Such intellectual property, including the Membership and Education Membership materials, is a special, unique and valuable asset of HEIR Education that has been created with extensive time and care. Client agrees not to teach, coach, launch or offer programs, services or information that is, or is perceived to be, the same as, or substantially similar to the Membership, in whole or in part, and/or in direct competition with HEIR Education now or at any time in the future. 

6. Non-Solicitation

HEIR Education intends for the Program to be a positive learning experience for all participants, free from sales or marketing from any of the Membership participants. Client agrees that the Client will not at any time during the Education Membership, or during or after the term of this Agreement solicit business, attempt to solicit business, advertise or teach about HEIR Education area of expertise, or enter into business relationships with HEIR Education or HEIR Education Team’s past or current clients or Membership participants, without the prior written permission of HEIR Education. Client agrees and understands that Client is not to market, gift or sell HEIR Education programs, products, services or information, directly or indirectly, through any of the platforms provided by HEIR Education during the Education Membership, including but not limited to videos, member forums, members’ website, social media groups/pages, e-mail communications, chats, or by any other form of communication. Client agrees not to solicit, influence or attempt to solicit or influence any of HEIR Education or HEIR Education clients, customers, Program participants, employees, or contractors, either directly or indirectly, to direct any purchase or use of products and/or services from Client or provide advertising, marketing, gift or sale of any products or services of any kind, to any of HEIR Education clients, customers, membership participants, employees, or contractors, without the prior written permission of HEIR Education. In addition, Client agrees not to hire or enter into agreements with HEIR Education current contractors, team members, or employees or solicit or persuade, or attempt to solicit or persuade, any of HEIR Education employees, contractors, consultants, or persons in the process of being recruited to hold such positions, to end or to modify any existing relationship with HEIR Education, or not to enter a relationship with HEIR Education. A perceived or proven breach of this section of the Agreement is considered material and is grounds for immediate termination of HEIR Education participation in the Membership without notice. 

7. Personal Responsibility & Assumption of Risk

Client acknowledges that Client takes full responsibility for all decisions made before, during and after the Membership, and knowingly assumes all of the risks of the Education Membership, whether known or unknown, related to Client’s use, misuse, or non-use of the Program or any of the Education Membership materials. Client accepts and agrees that there are many factors that contribute to the success of the Client which are outside of HEIR Education’s control; therefore, Client accepts and agrees that Client is 100% responsible for Client's progress and results from the Education Membership, and HEIR Education Makes no guarantees as to the outcome of the membership. 

8. Disclaimer

Client is aware that HEIR Education is not a physician or licensed medical provider and therefore does not diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease, and therefore is not a replacement for Client’s medical doctor, therapist or physician. Client acknowledges that HEIR Education is not a medical provider, psychotherapist, employment agent, business manager, or financial analyst. Client understands that while HEIR Education has used care in preparing the information provided to Client, the Membership and Education Membership materials are being provided as self-help tools for Client’s own use and for informational and educational purposes only. Client agrees that HEIR Education is not responsible for Client’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, for financial earnings or losses, or for any other result or outcome that Client may experience through theMembership . Nothing related to this Program is intended to be considered medical, mental health, legal, financial, or religious advice in any way. For specific questions related to a medical or mental health situation, consult Your own medical or mental health professional. For specific questions related to Your financial or legal circumstances consult Your own attorney, accountant, and/or financial advisor. For specific questions related to religion, spirituality, or faith, consult Your own clergy member or spiritual healer. Do not start or stop taking any medications because of anything You have read or received through this Membership

9. No Warranty

HEIR Education makes no warranty that the services will meet Client’s pre-conceived expectations or that all Client’s will achieve the same or similar results. The program is provided on an ‘as is’ basis without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. HEIR Education disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, arising by law or otherwise, with respect to the program through or on behalf of HEIR Education under this agreement, including, without limitation, any implied warranty or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non infringement and any implied warranty arising from course of performance, course of dealing or usage of trade.

10. Limitation of Liability

Client accepts all risks, foreseeable or non-foreseeable, arising from such transactions and client's use of the Education Membership. In no event will the aggregate liability of HEIR Education with regard to this Agreement, the Program exceed the compensation paid by Client to HEIR Education under this Agreement. HEIR  Education shall not be liable for any indirect, consequential, special or exemplary damages (including, without limitation, damages for any loss of profit, revenue, data, business or use) even if such party has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Client agrees that HEIR Education employees, affiliates, representatives, successors and assigns shall not be liable for any acts or omissions of HEIR Education 

11. Indemnification

Client shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless HEIR Education and its employees, affiliates, agents, representatives, successors and assigns from and against any and all liabilities and expense whatsoever, including without limitation, claims, damages, losses, judgments, awards, settlements, investigations, costs, attorney’s fees, disbursements and any other liabilities which any of them may incur or become obligated to pay arising out of or resulting from the offering for sale, the sale, and/or use of the Program. 

12. Termination

Should Client wish to terminate this Education Membership, Client is to notify HEIR Education by sending an e-mail to In the event that Client is part way through the month of payment then the Education Membership will remain available until the following payment is due. HEIR Education will then cancel the Education Membership. Alternatively Client may cancel through MemberSpace site. 

13. Non-Disparagement

Client agrees that if You have a question or concern about the Program, that You come to HEIR Education or HEIR Education Team directly to resolve the issue. HEIR Education agrees to make Natalie, Natasha and/or HEIR Education Team available during weekday business hours to discuss by e- mail any concerns or disputes Client may have with regard to the Membership in an effort to resolve them privately and professionally. Thus Client agrees to not publicly or privately make any negative or critical comments about HEIR Education, HEIR Education Team, HEIR Education business or contractors, the membership, other Education Membership participants or to communicate with any other individual, company or entity in a way that disparages or harms the reputation of the foregoing in any way, including on social media at any time. As a part of the legal process, of course, Client is not prohibited from publicly sharing Client’s thoughts and opinions.