The 3 mistakes that Salon Owners make which result in working more and earning less

I see these mistakes time and time again

We know these mistakes well, as until more recently we were making them too.

The thing is until you know, how can you possibly do anything about them?

The good thing is this, once you are aware of them, they are easy to fix, and they can save you 100’s of hours work every single month.

We’ve seen this happen with our own eyes and we strongly believe that this stuff should be taught at a basic level.

These problems are part of the reason why Salon Owners are getting burnt out, leaving the industry and feeling overwhelmed & underpaid

  1. Serving Everyone

    This is a biggie! If you try to serve everyone you serve no one!

    Having a niche is the best way to attract your ideal clients.

  2. Replying to all of your potential and existing clients.

    That’s right!

    Replying to everyone is causing you hours and hours of unnecessary work! Instead, by using a high converting costumer journey (or you might hear this called a funnel) you will be able to remove all road blocks and pain points for your ideal clients, as well as massively reducing your working hours!

    Believe me, this step is a life changer.

    We are also here to tell you that having an automated, high converting customer journey is a lot easier to achieve than most hairdressers think!

    It starts with mapping out the customer journey to really be able to understand and permanently eliminate those time consuming pain points, barriers and hurdles once and for all!

    We have developed an affordable education membership to give you a step by step plan to create and help you implement a high converting customer journey so you can Earn More and Work Less! Find out more here

  3. Having difficult conversations with customers or potential customers

Isn’t it the worst, when we have to have awkward and painful conversations with customers. The ones we dread and loose sleep over!

Think the deposit conversation.

The conversation when something hasn’t gone quite as expected.

The price increase conversations.

The cancellation policy…
and many many more…

What If we told you that having a high converting, automated customer journey will massively reduce this award conversations and give you the enjoyable work life balance you deserve.

Clarity is the key. Having clear policies in a well mapped out digital customer journey to automatically answer any questions or provide key information.

Have you ever mapped out your customer journey? Why not give it a go to see how many pain points you can remove… its well worth it: the result will be reduced admin time and increased wages.

Want to be part of a community of salon owners who are also implementing changes in their digital customer journey? Join our Facebook group here