How To Write A Killer Call To Action

A killer call to action is the simplest, FREE tweak you can make to inspire your audience to take action and book an appointment or buy your product!

This is quite literally the quickest shift you can make to your existing content and can be used on all platforms. It doesn’t mater if you are writing captions on Instagram, in a closed Facebook group, or even on a website.

When I discovered how to create a killer call to action the results were incredible.

I was one of those people who would spend ages creating lovely image with a beautifully written caption and then I would scratch my head and wonder why on earth it wasn’t converting into a sale. Why people were not taking action after seeing my inspiring content. 

What was I doing wrong?

I had loads of likes and even comments on social media. I was also getting views on my blog page as well as my website pages, so I knew that the content and images were good enough. 

So how on earth do I move the potential or existing customers from the post or blog and actually inspire them to take action, to book an appointment and actually spend money in my business?

Then I discovered Call To Action. 

A call to action, is something which I was already doing, I just wasn’t doing very well, and if I’m honest, sometimes not at all.

In very simple terms the Call to Action is a marketing term for the piece of text which tells the customer what to do.

For example at the end of my Instagram post I would maybe write “Book Now”. Or “Join the mailing list”. Or “like this post” Or “comment below”

This is the part where the audience is instructed to do something and the part where they can take action.

I am embarrassed to admit that at a time when I was trying to attract new customers into my business, there was a lot of content which had No call to action. 


Here is a beautiful balayage by our stylist Kim, 

Kim used a freehand technique to create pops of honey shades through the mid lengths and ends to create a multi tonal, blended blonde. (THE END) 

No call to action, no instruction! I basically put up a “stop” sign in front of my potential customer and didn’t give them directions into my business

Then I am also embarrassed to admit to the really bad CTA’s 

These ones are like giving the potential customers a “road closed” sign but not offering a suitable diversion. The customer gets lost and doesn’t end up in my business, (or if some miracle she has found her way, its taken her a lot longer)

These ones are the “book now” actions (with no instruction on how to book as I didn’t have my contact details on the page)

When I realised the impact of Call to Action I started to experiment to see what works. 

Which is when I discovered how to create killer Call to Actions that actually inspire the audience to take action!

The strategy I used was to map out my digital journey and use Call To Actions as the signposts to direct my ideal client into my business faster.

I would quite literally draw a map and then consider the points where my audience needed to do something “take action” this is where I would inert a killer Call to action. 

I spent a long time developing these to inspire my ideal client to covert from my digital presence to my physical services and realised that there is a specific and fool proof method to creating Killer Call To Actions.

Here is my method:

Use the 3 A's to create Killer Call To Actions




Action: Inspire action with strong commands or verbs, (buy, shop, order, sign up, download....)

Audience: Know your audience including their desires and problems

Answer: share your solution to the problem or desire


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Sign up to receive 10 hair hacks to create a youthful appearance

For those who go the extra mile: add in 2 bonus P’s:



Power: add power words to provoke enthusiasm or emotion

Pressure: Give a time pressure or quantity pressure


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If you actually look at other leading industries your will find that they also use Killer Call To Actions. Companies like Apple, John Lewis, Netflix.

Netflix: “Ready to watch? Enter your email now to create or restart your membership”

Killer Call To Action’s are just one framework that we teach In our Marketing Made Easy Education.

Killer Call To Actions and our other frameworks can help you have amazing, digital signposts to move your ideal clients from a digital platform to spending money in your business quickly.

If you need help creating killer call to actions then please connect with us for further support. We have a FREE Facebook group alternatively you can book a FREE Discovery Call