Google My Business for Hairdressers

Before you get started, I want to tell you that the content of this blog is here to make your WORK LIFE Balance better….

NOT to add to the time you spend on social media

NOT to add to your admin time!

NOT to give you more work to do by writing captions, creating reels, editing photos….

NOPE! No way!

We are here to help you to work less and earn more without compromising your customer experience.

This is something we are very passionate about and since making some changes in our own business we have discovered that there are quick and easy ways to get the ball rolling in the work less earn more project…

Google My Business being one of them!

We have been shocked at how many hairdressers, salon owners and freelance, actually use Google My Business to its full potential.

And actually a few little tweaks, this completely FREE resource is an absolute money maker - without driving “time thieves” into your DMs at all hours of the day!

Pretty sure you have heard of Google?

Ok so Google My Business is an app. (although you don’t need a smart phone to access it, you can log in and manage your Google My Business from a website)

Think of Google my business as being your shop window to potential customers.

People are likely to come across this page if they search certain things in the largest search engine on the entire planet…

searches like:

“hairdressers in Liverpool”

“hair extensions specialist”

“wedding hair in barrow in furness”

You get the picture…

These potential customers have already identified that they need your service but they don’t know you YET!

They are not likely to use social media as a search engine, so think of Google My Business as a first step of your potential customers digital journey into your chair!

The thing with Google, its very clever…. so if you have your business listed ANYWHERE on the web: Google will pull together information to generate a google listing.

For a lot of hairdressers this information could be:

  • out of date

  • incorrect

  • irrelevant

which is basically driving customers away from your business.

So the first thing to do it verify the page and update it!!

Then utilising all of the features will help you to rank higher on the google searches.

I know it sounds a lot… I know it seems like it “another thing to manage” but the great thing with Google My Business is that it’s evergreen.

Which in marketing terms means it’s there forever until you change it. So its not getting lost in a crowded social media scroll through!

We have a handy FREE webinar to guide hairdressers through Google My Business

This is quite literally the first step into gaining a better work life balance, the feedback we have had from this webinar has been phenomenal.

Hairdressers who have implemented steps from the webinar have LOVED seeing the difference in how many customers are making their way into their business, without having to spend hours in their DMs first!

If you want to make this change then reserve your seat at the next webinar here

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comment below and let us know, we love hearing from people who have seen big wins from our education.