Should Salon’s offer discounts during quieter times?

OH NO! Your salon or your freelance column has quietened down and panic sets in. It’s not busy enough, and you have bills to pay.

There seems to be an overriding conclusion that most salon owners and freelancers come here…

 put an ‘offer on!’

That will work? Clients will come flocking, we will be busy and even attract new clients into the business at the same time.

Only, you get to the end of the month and your best efforts to fill the diary have been fruitless. The business did not make enough money after all.


because by putting an ‘offer’ on, you have either:

  • attracted the wrong type of client into your business

  • attracted no one at all

  • made a loss of these services because you have discounted too much

  • or a mixture of the above.

So what is the solution? 


Ideal Client

One of the first rules in marketing is to know your ideal client, an understanding of the ideal client’s pain points, needs and desires. Having this information crystal clear makes marketing a lot easier! 

We recommend niche-ing down and understanding your ideal client.

not where she lives and where she shops, but think more about her:

  • behaviours, 

  • motivations

  • priorities and reasons. 

When you don’t understand who you are marketing to, you end up marketing to everyone. When you try and serve everyone, you serve no one!


“There is riches in the niches” Alex Hormozi, American Entrepreneur and Businessman

What does this mean? Well, by dedicating your business to a very specific niche you will maximise your profits. 

OK, we know what you are thinking here, your salon isn’t just known for one thing. You have lots of different people coming through the door and needing your services. 

Yes, this is true! we aren’t saying that you cant cater for others. If you focus your marketing efforts on your ideal client then you will attract more of that person. Then be known as the expert for that particular type of client. 

After all, do you want your business to be known as a Jack of all services but the master of none?! 

Adding Value

So here is another crucial point! 

Now that you are attracting your ideal client into the business with your clever marketing you are:

  • addressing the pain points of the client 

  • without trying to drive new clients by discounting, 

your new client must receive the best value for the price they pay.

If a client perceives the value to be more than the price they pay, they will feel they have had a bargain. If the price is perceived as less than the value a client won’t trust it.

Potential clients don’t come flocking to your door when you put an offer on simply because they don’t trust it. If the price they pay is perceived to be less than the value of what they are getting they will not trust the offer. 

However, you will gain 

  • trust,

  •  a good reputation

  •  and repeat business

 If the value of what you offer is perceived to be more than the price.

A good way to increase the value is to add to the service rather than discounting the service. 

For example:

We have two openings for new clients this week, you will receive:

In-depth consultation where will discuss the perfect hairstyle to suit your lifestyle, 

A relaxing scalp massage, 

A tailor-made hair treatment to suit your hair needs, 

Your ideal cut and blow-dry, 

A lesson on how to style your new hair

Samples of products to help you recreate your new look at home. 

Remember we only have two openings for this package this week, and for a limited time you can have all of this for just £59, we can't wait to pamper you!

As opposed to saying:

Cut and blow-dry appointments are available this week, usually £59 but for new clients only it will be £49. Book now. 

Can you see the difference?

These are the same service.

Trying to fill the same white space in your business. 

One of them has a higher perceived value than the other.

 One of them will entice the client to book in and the other will leave the client feeling distrustful of your business. 

One of them inspires action the other doesn’t. 

Can you see how discounting does not drive more of your ideal client into your business?

A few simple tweaks to your marketing message and strategy can put you in the driving seat of your business. It can help to generate new clients on demand and boost your salon turnover, even in quieter months.

If you need help understanding your ideal client, how to drive more new clients into your business without discounting then join our Marketing Membership to help salon owners grow their business. We will help you understand your ideal client and how to use clever marketing to drive her into your salon business. 

You can also join our new Facebook community to get more useful tips with salon marketing here